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  • Writer's pictureEastsideDrivingInstructor

Giving Way at Intersections in Victoria, WTF (who takes-off first)?

Giving Way at Intersections in Victoria, WTF?

I’ve had a few puzzled students & parents ask me “who should give way?”

So check out this VicRoads video n see how many rules you correctly knew.

Now one tricky give way law is when there’s a vehicle in the median strip attempting a U turn, this particular law is in contrast to the usual logic, and no doubt the cause of upset, confusion & crashes for many!

The usual logic being that a vehicle wanting to enter a road or intersection must give way to vehicles already on that road or intersection. In this case however the vehicle wanting to make the U turn must give way to all other vehicles, including those wanting to enter that road from a side street, so look out!

How do you tell if the vehicle is wanting to do a U turn or a right turn into a side street?

Well look at the position of the vehicle, if they are fairly far forward in the median turn lane with the vehicle & wheels slightly angled to the right, they're probably turning right. If they're stopped back further in the median turn lane with the vehicle & wheels more angled to the right, they're probably making a U turn.

This is featured in the video exactly 1 minute in.

So check it out:

Remember curiosity killed the cat,

save yourself from the same fate!!

Further info on this topic:

Feeling excited? Getting greedy? Why not go all the way?!

A-Z of Vic Road laws:

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