As a driving instructor in Melbourne, I see and feel frustration on our roads with bad driving attitudes. During my driving lessons I also see some drivers lacking patience and understanding towards my driving school students. It's a reality that pedestrians, drivers, riders and cyclists are becoming more frustrated with each other.

Behaviour comes second
Many road users are putting their urgency to get somewhere over their treatment of others.
So what can we do?
Let's look at a few ways to share the peace, love n happiness on the road.

Misunderstandings can escalate
We're quick to blame those who don't know all the road rules instead of being patient and forgiving.

It starts with something simple.
Understanding that EVERYONE has the right to travel safely and happily.

Beautiful roads in a beautiful place in your own comfortable place
Enjoy some good songs, podcasts or radio

We can all Share the Road by:
Being mindful of other road users,
from motorcyclists, bike riders and pedestrians to truck drivers and motorists.
Avoiding behaviour that makes others feel unsafe.
Promoting mutual respect.
Saying thank you...
Unplugging and making eye contact...
And by simply smiling and giving a wave.
Relax and enjoy your time on our roads
Have a look here for the warm hearted inspirational video:
What's your Road IQ?
I'm no Guru, but I know who is, check out the Guru Mothership!
Thanks for taking the time to check it out.
Now people go out there and share the peace love & happiness!
All the best,
Paul from Eastside

content source & credit to VicRoads