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How to do a 3 POINT TURN - please take it slowly, use your spatial awareness.

On flat ground you should try to avoid using the accelerator pedal, especially in an automatic, brake pedal only. 

These directions are kerb to kerb, so without using a driveway. There's a few good reasons for this. 

In a standard Melbourne suburban street, you'll have enough space to do it. 

Driveways are very narrow & don't allow you to turn the vehicle without the risk of dropping the wheels off the kerb. 

If you enter a driveway arera, you can reduce your visibility because of parked cars and trees etc. 

If your vehicle is party off the road, other drivers will no longer stop to give way & allow you the time & space needed.


1.  Check your mirrors then indicate to the left and pull over to the left (just as though you're parking against the kerb).  


2. Check your mirrors, if the road is clear then indicate to the right, lastly head-check to the right (a quick look over your right shoulder through the right rear window) and turn to the right, move the vehicle slowly but move the steering wheel quickly to the right. A metre before the curb straighten the steering wheel while the car is still moving slowly.

Always try to have the vehicle moving slowly when turning the steering wheel, because you'll immediately be able to see the direction of the your front wheels because the car will move either straight forward, or to the left of right. Remember your steering wheel can look like it's pointing straight even though it may be one full turn to the left or right. 

As most front wheels are one meter back from the front of the bumper, it's possible to keep moving forward further than you think (as long at the vehicle isn't a very low sitting sports car), the front bumper will move over the top of the curb and nature strip. Obviously if have a different obstacle in front of you like a ditch, another vehicle, tree or wall then disregard that thought of moving further forward.  


3. Put the transmission into reverse and do a reversing head check (a quick look over your left shoulder through the back window) before slowly reversing back with the steering wheel turn to the left, keep checking all 3 mirrors. 

In the last meter of reversing straighten the steering wheel and stop.


4. Lastly with a right indicator turn right and move forward slowly and then straighten the car up and continue driving away, then finally check your mirrors. 


5. Bonus move, smile like a champ!!








Pull over to the left (mirrors & indicator)


Turn to the right (mirrors, indicator & head-check) 


Reverse with the steering wheel turn to the left (reversing head-check) 


Turn to the right and drive off slowly (indicator & mirrors)

how to do a 3 point turn vicroads eastside driving instructors
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